NOV, 2023
slowingdown, how to do it? Discover 5 tips!
You bring your steaming cup of cappuccino to your lips as you take a seat in the rust-coloured seat next to Jennifer Aniston in Central Park. It's a surreal moment. Suddenly, you hear something ringing in the distance. Is that ... your alarm clock? You float between two worlds. Triiing. You are awake. Immediately, thoughts start spinning in your head. Who takes the kids to school? When is that important deadline at work? And the everyday question: what are we having for dinner tonight?
But it can be different. Schedule a #manaloamoment. A moment of taking a deep breath and putting your worries aside. In this article, we share our 5 slowing down tips to allow you to take a break for yourself. Bye bye stress, hello me-time!

Meditate | give a gift to yourself
"I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one," proclaimed Mahatma Gandhi. After all, how can you slow down if you are trying to do 10 things at once? Meditation helps people get through life with less stress and anxiety. Consider it a precious gift to yourself. It will pay off in both the short and long term.
Journaling | go into a conversation with yourself
Writing in your journal out of date? Not at all. Journalling, capturing your thoughts, wishes and worries on paper - is all over the place. You can do this with an old-school diary or a document on your computer. Most importantly? There is no right or wrong. Just write whatever comes to mind. This way, you clear your mind and free yourself from any obstacles and negative thoughts.
Window gazing | give your brain a rest
Looking outside. How often do you do it? Or does it mainly take you back to your childhood, when you stared carefree at the clouds and let your imagination run wild? Stop scrolling on your phone and checking your mails for a while. Wear your most comfortable outfit and give yourself some well-deserved rest. Are you already feeling like putting on your favourite cotton hoodie?
Get into nature | listen to the life around you
Nature is the best therapist, some say. Do you ever go outside when you feel down? An energising walk in the park or a breath of fresh air at the seaside? A tip: sit on a bench in the middle of nature. Close your eyes. Feel the wind and warm sun on your skin. Listen to the happy song of the birds. Let life around you sink in. And above all: treat yourself to a moment of deep peace.
Food is life: enjoy good food
We often tend to eat something quickly without really enjoying it. In front of the television, during a quick lunch or even in the car on the way to work. But when you consciously enjoy your food, everything tastes so much better. Challenge yourself and awaken your taste buds. Which fruits and vegetables have you never tried before?
A lovely bonus | a hot bath to relax your body.
Fill up the bath. If you wish, add some bath foam or light a candle. And stretch out with your eyes closed. Lovely. Taking a bath helps you relax. In addition, a hot bath improves your blood flow, boosts your resistance and helps you un-stress. So you'll fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.
Which #manaloamoment do you choose?
A moment of slowing down ... How do you prefer it? Be sure to let us know! Don't forget to tag us on Instagram with #manaloamoment so we can enjoy that moment for yourself too.